Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers about Shipping & Delivery, Measuring, Return & refund and other helps here.

If you can't find the answer there, please email us at cs@ixacurtains, we will relpy to you within 24 hours.

Shipping & Delivery

How long will it take to receive my order?

Generally, our handling time is 3-7 business days and standard shipping takes about 7-14 business days.

We offer free shipping sitewide

We ships within the contiguous United States, we do not ship to military addresses, PO Boxes or address with PPO or PRO.

Can you provide expedited shipping services?

Yes, We offer expedited shipping services. Urgent Shipping charges are paid by the customer. Please select DHL expedited shipping at checkout. Expedited orders are expected to arrive within 10 days after confirming the dimensions, unless there are uncontrollable factors such as weather, natural disasters and etc.

How much will I have to pay for expedited shipping services?

Customers only need to pay for urgent Shipping charges at checkout.

How do I know when my order has shipped?

Once your order is picked up by the carrier, you will receive an email with the tracking number. You can track your package on the carrier's website.

Measuring Help

How to measure windows and get the correct size curtains?
Measurer tool can only support 1-panel and 2-panel options. How do I get width of panel if I want more than 2 panels?
How to determine the number of panels?
How to determine the length of panels?

Return & Refund

Can I return for custom order?
What can I do if I don't like what I ordered?
Refund Arrival Time



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Everyday 9:00-18:00