How to understand the components of our pricing?
Since we sell custom curtains, our pricing consists of two parts: the base price and an additional charge for custom options.
Basic Price
The base price is for the minimum size of 18 inches in width and 29 inches in height. As you increase the size, the amount of fabric and custom costs required will also increase, leading to a higher price.

Additional Price
The additional charge includes the cost for custom header styles, adding memory shaping, adding lining, and other fees generated by various custom options.

Total Price
In the shopping cart, you can clearly see the components of your pricing. When you update the quantity on the cart page or in the cart drawer, the page will refresh to update the pricing. You can also enter discount codes on the cart page.

The Price On Checkout Page
On the checkout page, the price for each item will be displayed. Since the base price and the additional charges are listed separately, each panel may appear to be divided into multiple items.
In the example below, a pair of curtains will be shown as 4 items: 2 base prices and 2 custom (additional) price.

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Everyday 9:00-17:00